

Try Our Payment Calculator

How much?

How long?

Your monthly payment is:

*The calculation is based on the information you provide and is for illustrative and general information purposes only. This should not be relied upon as specific financial or other advice.

How Does it Work?

This car loan calculator will help provide you with a rough estimate of what your car loan approvals  and options could be. Once you apply with Creditline ONE® you will be able to find your exact approval options within 48 hours of submitting your application. While we work to assist everyone, we specialize in helping customers in bad credit situations by locating the best financing and vehicle options. Often this can be completed in as little as a single day.

We have partnered with over 250 dealerships across Canada offering a variety of vehicle makes and models from compact cars to full size trucks. To discover your exact approval options you can simply fill out our online Application or call us at 780-455-9339 and our customer service team will gather all of the pertinent information needed to get you financing for your next vehicle.

Let us get you the payment you can afford on a vehicle you actually want in 3 simple steps.


  1. Fill out our quick approval form

  2. One of our Customer Care Agents will contact you

  3. Start driving!